Firefox 3 Download Day plus personalized Firefox 3 Download Day certificate
Today all internet users is invited to download the browser and set a Guinness World Record. As of this time a total of 3,940,651 downloaded the new browser worldwide.

New Features
Firefox 3 sets the innovation bar very high with exciting new features, including one-click bookmarking, the smart location bar and lightning fast performance.
Keeping you and your personal information safe is our top priority. Firefox 3 includes phishing and malware protection, plus our new instant site ID info.
With features like built-in spell checking, session restore and full zoom, Firefox 3 makes it possible to work faster and more efficiently on the Web.
Your taste and needs set you apart from the rest. With Firefox 3 you can choose from over 5,000 add-ons that help you customize your browsing experience
They also offering you to download and print your very own personalized Firefox 3 Download Day certificate.

essay wrіters · 539 weeks ago