Hot Deals: OBi110 Voice Service Bridge and VoIP Telephone Adapter
Amazon's 'Lightning Deals' offers OBi110 Voice Service Bridge and VoIP Telephone Adapter
for $50.47 --- $49 off the regular price.
OBi110 Voice Service Bridge and VoIP Telephone Adapter
--- $84.94 --->> Now for a limited offer, $50.47
FREE Calling with Your Home Phone
Use your existing home phone and your broadband router to make and receive calls over the Internet for free (or at a very low-cost).
Save Money Use FREE and low-cost VoIP services to lower your phone bills... Maybe to NOTHING!
Computer Not Required All you need is your existing home phone and broadband router.Pay Only for the Device — It's Not Locked to a Service! You can add VoIP services to make & receive phone calls to and from regular numbers. In addition, OBi to OBi calls are FREE.
Fantastic Voice Clarity Talk with your family and friends anywhere in the world, from the comfort of your home telephone.